
End of Year Testing

It is time. It started today. The dreaded end of year testing. As a fifth grade, public school teacher, who’s school has been failing the No Child Left Behind test, I am required to teach 90 minutes of math and 145 minutes of literacy everyday. I am also required to teach 45 minutes of ELD (English Language Development), and there is a 45 minute rotation block built in for other things like library and PE. There is little to no time to teach Science and Social Studies.

I feel like I have failed as a teacher because I have not been teaching these two subjects much this year. We started the Science test today and the district tells us (not in so many words) that it’s ok that we aren’t teaching science and it’s ok if the students don’t pass science because it doesn’t count against our school for No Child Left Behind. I am saddened and disgusted by the way our public school system works. I know that this kind of stuff can’t be happening to schools that are not Title I. This kind of stuff is happening around the nation in schools that are not passing. We are not developing well-rounded future leaders. Our students will be able to read and do math, but what else?

I came across this video about a year ago and it makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time because it is so very true. I want parents to realize how much power that they have when it comes to public schools. We can stop this from happening. I am embarrased to say that I am a public school teacher that has been working in this kind of system. The system will remain this way unless parents and teachers start taking a stand and saying that this is not ok.