Malayalam Lesson
I am now taking Malayalam lessons. My tutor is a 12 year old named Ana. She was eager to teach me once she found out that it was my plan to learn the language. She quickly pulled out a notebook and went into teaching me different phrases and writing them for me in English. Not only did she teach me phrases, but she also taught me what specific words meant and even showed me how to write a few things in Malayalam (which I think is a bit advanced for me).
Ana is very outgoing and smart. I asked her what she was planning to do when she was older and I was a bit surprised with the answer I received. She told me that she wants to be in the military for India, then she wants to a be a nun, or a doctor. She explained that she would have to do the military thing first since being a in the military and being a nun won’t work because you have to practice nonviolence. I must say I have never heard a kid describe what they want to be the way Ana did.
At the end of our lesson it was decided that she would come over to our flat and teach me Malayalam for one hour hour everyday. I am looking forward to these lessons. I realized how much I have missed communicating with students her age. It makes me a bit sad to not be starting off the school year this year. I’ve included pictures of today’s lesson.