Three Essentials for Nursing a Sunburn
Those of you who have had a sunburn know how uncomfortable and painful it can be. I discovered the ultimate remedy awhile back and I thought I would share it. I used to get sunburns all the time when I was younger. I would spend hours in the sun with no sunscreen and come home beet red. I would often cry because my sunburn was so bad. My grandmother would soak towels in cold water and put them on my sunburn and less than five minutes later the towel was hot. I tried Aloe Vera, but that just seemed to make it horribly worse. I even had to go to the Emergency room twice because the sunburns were so bad. My sunburns would inch under the skin and burn and the same time. It was excruciating.
On one of the trips to the ER the doctor told me that as a result of being in the sun for so long and getting burned I had lost a lot of electrolytes and he told me in order to restore them I should drink Gatorade since it has both sugar and sodium and it would at the same time hydrate me. I suppose you could drink water with sugar and salt, it would probably do the same thing.
Advil is a great pain reliever for the burn because it is ibuprofen and will cause the swelling to go down. Advil will help you not be in pain so that you can rest.
I discovered Ocean Potion Burn Relief Ice about six years ago. Once I put it on my burn it was like I was healing instantly. It felt so cold and smelled so fresh. I was amazed at how fast this helped me. It literally takes the burn out. It made the redness go away within a couple of days. Ocean Potion Burn Relief Ice works so well because it has tea tree extract and lidocaine. I bought a huge bottle at Wal-mart six years ago and then stopped shopping there and couldn’t find it anywhere else. I finally found it in Walgreens in Las Vegas. There are also numerous places you can purchase it online.
I swear by this remedy. Use all three and you will be comfortable and burn-free in no time