
Kaffe Mercantile


If you are in the Ogden area and need a drink or snack, stop by Kaffe Mercantile. Located on 26th street right above Harrison.  It is a quaint little coffee shop under new ownership.  The new owners are Nick and Lance.  They have changed it up a bit and offer a great variety of drinks and scrumptious food.


If you don’t go into coffee shops because you don’t drink coffee don’t let that stop you from going into Kaffe Mercantile.  They carry non-caffeinated drinks.  If you don’t want a drink but need a little something to eat stop by and grab a bite.  I recommend the fresh baked cherry turnover.  They also have pasta salads, cheesecake, parfaits, cookies, ice cream novelties, etc.   Kaffe Mercantile didn’t forget about those of you who can’t have sugar.    They have a great variety of sugar-free drinks as well as sugar-free baked goods.


Kaffe Mercantile is a great place to chill.  They have indoor or outdoor seating on a covered patio.


Kaffe Mercantile is simply amazing check it out for yourself!



A Few Fun Things to do in Salt Lake City

Often when I hear people talk about what there is to do in Utah, they complain that there is nothing to do here.  I am one of those people who complain about how boring Utah is.  I have decided to look at Utah a little differently and try to find fun things to do that I can pass on to others.

Yesterday I went to the farmer’s market.  If you have not been to the farmer’s market in Salt Lake you are missing out.  I go almost every Saturday.  I want to break the stereotype that the farmer’s market is just fruit and vegetables.  That is  not the case.  The market is full of fruit and vegetables, but there are also many great artists and fabulous food.  If you are a supporter of local businesses this is a way that you can be a supporter of locals who may not have a business, but have a great talent.  The farmer’s market is located at Pioneer Park every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm.





Another great thing you can do, if you are at all interested in photography, is visit Pictureline located on 300 w and 600 s. This is a local business that has all you could ever dream about, photography wise, and lots of staff to help or answer questions.

I just discovered this little place the other day called Hip & Humble located on the corner of 900 s and 1000 e.  It is such a quaint little shop with tons of cute gift ideas.  I bought a silver necklace with an initial charm for a birthday party I am attending later today.  I had no idea they gift wrapped.

I just discovered this little place the other day called Hip & Humble located on the corner of 900 s and 1000 e. It is such a quaint little shop with tons of cute gift ideas. I bought a silver necklace with an initial charm for a birthday party I am attending later today. I had no idea they gift wrapped.



Why Do We Consume So Much Crap?

It has been a busy month.  Here are a few reasons that I haven’t been blogging.


I ran out of contacts so I went to the eye doctor to get my yearly supply.  While there the doctor informed me that I have Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis.  Pretty much bumps on the inside of my eyelid from an allergic reaction to my contacts.  I have been wearing contacts for probably ten years now so it seems weird that it is happening now.  Anyway the doc said I can’t wear contacts for six to eight weeks.  I felt I needed my glasses prescription changed since it has been five years.  So I decided to get new gasses instead.  I go back in on the 10th of July.  Cross your fingers that I will be able to get new contacts.


I finally received my  Persons of Indian Origin Card.  Funny that it really isn’t a card at all.  It looks more like a passport without all of the pages inside.  Another funny thing is that I am not a person of Indian origin.  One of the benefits of the card is that I can work while in India if I choose.  We also bought our tickets.  We are leaving August 3rd and will be in Dubai for a month and then we are on our way to India the 31st of August.


IMG_0493Perhaps the number one reason I have not been blogging is because I have been trying to sell all of the stuff in my condo.  My last post talked about us selling our condo.  Well it sold right after we listed it so we have been trying to get rid of everything in our possession.  I do not want to have anything in storage because we may decided to stay in India or if we come back to the states we may not live in Utah.  I just don’t want to worry about anything and Liji has helped me realize it is all just “stuff”.  I am not really attached to anything anymore.  Why did I allow myself to purchase all of the crap in my house.  I am amazed at the amount of stuff that we had that weren’t using.  The only thing I will own is a couple suitcases worth of cloths and three boxes of pictures and memories.  It is such a liberating feeling.  These are a few pictures of a couple of things that we have sold.

If you are trying to sell anything ksl classifieds or your local online classifieds is amazing.  Every time we listed something we would get a ton of calls.  We also used Amazon to sell some electronics.  Amazon is much better than eBay.  Amazon is very quick and they give  you extra cash for shipping.  The final tip I have for selling stuff is to take it to consignment shops.  You need to know what your local consignment shop likes though.  I took about four car loads of my stuff to Emilie Jane located on 8th and 8th in SLC.  They take a 50% cut but I am happy to get something because we would have just given it to The Deseret Industries.

I will say that moving out of the country and getting rid of everything is the most liberating feeling.  Not feeling like I have to keep something is wonderful.  Why are we all so attached to items?  They are just things.  Life is about living and adventure and journey.  It really shouldn’t be about consuming, consuming, consuming.



Condo For Sale

One of the big steps to moving is putting the condo up for sale.  Well it just got put up a couple of days ago.  This is exciting.  I hope it sells considering the economy.  I am kind of sad to sell this place.  I love walking into it everyday, but everything must come to an end and my days as a homeowner are coming to a close.

Check out my condo the MLS listing number is 883465.  Here are a few pictures883465 Click here to see more pictures.  You can click here to see the actual listing.



90% Savings


I pride myself on finding fabulous deals and getting things free or almost free.  Today I  paid $4.73 for nine items that originally rang up $48 something.   That means I paid about 10%.  Here is a pic of the items purchased and the receipt.
